Desserts · Girl Scout Cookie Recipes · pies

Thin Mint Ice Cream Pie

Oh, thin mints… How do I love thee? Let me count the pregnancy pounds that you alone accounted for..

At least 12 before I lost count. 😉

Since Thin Mints are the most popular girl scout cookie, and as you all know, I am participating in a cookie recipe contest for the Girl Scouts of Western Washington, I will tell you I had a hard time deciding what to do with them.  I had lots and lots of wild ideas.  But then I realized I was over thinking it.

Because we all know what goes best with Thin Mints, and that’s mint chocolate chip ice cream.  And fudge. Plus, this is my favorite kind of recipe. You know, the kind that is really super easy but everyone is all impressed over.

I’ve seen similar recipes to this using Oreos, but had never seen one using Thin Mints instead.

So that’s what I did.  A buttery Thin Mint crust.  Rich mint chocolate chip ice cream.  Gooey fudge.

Oh, and did I mention, this recipe has 4 ingredients, comes together in 10 minutes, and requires no baking? It is sure to be a crowd pleaser.  You will be complimented.  You will be adored.

Remember, Girl Scout Cookies go on sale March 1st, and will stay on sale until March 17th so don’t forget to buy a box (or 10) and support those beautiful scouts!



1 package of Thin Mint cookies (set aside two of them for garnish)
4 Tablespoons melted butter
1/2 gallon mint chocolate chip ice cream
11oz container of hot fudge (unheated)


In a food processor, process your Thin Mints into crumbs.  (This can also be done with a ZipLock bag and a rolling pin, for those of you who don’t own a Food Processor.

Mix the crumbs with the melted butter, and press the mixture into the bottom, and about halfway up the sides of a pie pan.

Remove the lid from your ice cream and cut the box in half.

Slice the ice cream into 1 1/2 inch pieces and place them on top of the cookie crumbles.  This is kind of like putting together a puzzle- cut the pieces whatever size you need to fill up the pie pan leaving as few empty spaces as possible.

Using a large wooden spoon, press the ice cream together so there are no spaces and the top is smooth.

Spread the COLD “hot” fudge over top of the ice cream.  Garnish with thin mints and freeze until ready to serve.


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